Sunday, June 1, 2014

the only silent amongst the dead .

The only one silent amongst the dead.

My Ouija Board doesn't seem
powerful enough to reach God.
(The only one Silent amongst
The Dead.)

At times I wonder if I'm
looking in the wrong place,
and the answer lies somewhere
in my head?

Other Days I tell myself that
though the world is vast, and
there are likely many; There is
Nothing Beyond The "I Inside."

(For myself, or Any.)

The Preacher on T.V. seems to
have a better Ouija Board than
I do; so for 30 dollars he can
send you a prayer, and help
ease your Existential Solitude.

Hell, Ignorance isn't even Bliss
anymore. (it's become the Poor
Man's Food.)

I get reminded a lot of the Glory
of Grace, thought I've never seen
it here, or read about it any other
place but within the tombs of history.
(which has always struck me as
an unknown face shedding infinite
tears of misery.)

Perhaps Preacher Bob can send me
a 30 dollar Prayer, and help get this
stubborn Ouija Board of mine working???


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