Saturday, May 17, 2014

the hell i grew up believing in

The Hell I grew up Believing In.

Well..this is
certainly Irony.
Whoever would've
thought the gates of
hell had a welcome
mat outside the door,
depicting images of
two cute kittens hugging
beneath a Smiling Sun?

And who is this coming
here?..Wearing Fuzzy
Bunny slippers and his
trademark boyish grin?
why...none other than
Satan himself...that old

I always figured demons
would be of the more
classical variety...with
pointy tails, red skin, and
glowing eyes that terrified

So why am I surrounded
by famous people I grew
up admiring, and hot women
with perfectly sculpted frames?

(Then the gates close, and darkness
consumes me. Now...that's more
like it. This is the Hell I grew
up believing in.)


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