A General Summation.
Breakfast mornings at the shelter
are a real smash.
Between meth-head cat fights over
cheating boyfriend's who pimp their
women out for dope,
and hobo whiskey jamborees at
7:30 a.m.
in the devil's courtyard ran by
"Ministers of God"
mostly just wanna cash their pay
entertain whatever secret lusts haunt
Hypocritical Hearts of Stone .
Few roses remain in such gardens be
But one fine morning things were different.
Beauty walked bravely into a den of
Vipers ,
pet all the serpents, and made doves out
Snakes with such ease it seemed
She told me I looked out of
place.. as if I didn't belong ..and
I said " yeah that about sums it
up in general" (which caused her to
laugh at my truth she thought was a
Joke. )
I saw her a few weeks later at
the library laughing at jokes told
by one of the meth-kings who pimps
his women out to half the leeches
congregating beneath The Twilight Bridge.
Her Laughter cut me in ways the streets
never could, and I felt betrayed in some
way though no promises were ever made.
Later on after a few pints of whiskey I
spent the night with three gypsy girls who
sell their fleshly wares to more respectable
sorts from the Business End of Town.
They said I was cute and they'd never had
A Cowboy before so I could come party if
I wanted to.
Oddly enough I never touched any of them
that night , or any after .
and word got around I was crazy because
the only thing I wanted to do was drink my
ass off and recite poetry at the non-judgemental walls until I black out...and..
(yep. That about sums it up in general.)